Friday, January 29, 2010

Be on the look out!

Hello! For my first post I would like to tell you a little about myself and what to expect from my posts. I am a senior at UK and I just changed my major for the 4th time! Yes, I am today's average college student meaning that I am on the 6 year college plan. Now, I am pursuing a B.A. in Art Studio with a focus in New Media (Graphic Design). Eventually, I would like to be a graphic designer for an advertising company, but for now I live day by day.

Let's talk about my routine. I wake up in the morning, throw on my clothes and rush out the door to class (most of the time I'm late). Everyday the same thing. Walking on campus I feel like I blend in. I'm not in a sorority so I don't really have a reason to impress anyone because no one knows who I am. Enough of this! Who says I'm not worth knowing just because I don't fall into a category. I've been doing this for 4 years and am really getting tired of it. I have forgotten how to appreciate the little things and myself.

I want to tell you about things that I enjoy, so that maybe you can begin to appreciate the little things and yourself too. Sometimes it's a billboard, or a funny video on youtube. Other times I find joy in trying a new shampoo or lip balm. This all may sound ridiculous, but it makes me happy.

Change is good, and I love it! That's probably why the only constant things in my life are my friends and family. Everyday is new and that is something I need to remember and live by.